What is the point of doing research? Why do we spend so much time interview people, creating focus groups, and reading till our eyes fall out? I’ll tell you… it is to get results! The reason why we research to begin is to try and figure something out. We want to be able to see a difference from start to finish.
In order to show results in an orderly fashion, we use research reports. These reports contain detailed information about the study at hand, specialized terms and a lot of data. It is important in these reports that we do not give too many statistics and data, because it will come off as confusing.
For example, when I think about results, the first image that comes to mind are the proactive commercials. Although a lot of the times I do get sick of them because they can get cheesy, in reality, I still use the product myself. The reason being, is because this product is well promoted because almost every commercial is celebrity endorsed, and who wouldn’t want to listen to the adorable Justin Bieber?
Something that stands out about pro active is the fact that they not only have the celebrity face, but they have the research as well. They give proven facts in there advertisements and then also give the visual aids necessary to convince people.They show distinct differences in the person’s skin from before to after. Sure there is always going to be the comment made of “ well if that picture must have been photo shopped”. But you can check out the proactive site like I did. There are tons of people who posted pictures like this showing the difference of there skin and then sharing their personal stories. I don’t think people would photo shop pictures and then create an entire life story just to be on a website. But there are some crazy people out there…..
Point being, the dermatologists that worked on the product proactive did numerous amounts of experiments and research, to get the final results that they deserved. Although the research may take a lot of time, in the end the results are hopefully worth it!
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